Our publication was the first to raise the issue against the Maharashtra State Road Development Corporation's (MSRDC) plans to allot space beneath the Vakola flyover on the Western Express highway to marble merchants. A few of these shops had already come up at the southern end of the flyover. We had suggested that the space underneath the flyover should be beautified or used for taxi- auto rickshaw stands or car parks. Besides, the space should be used for the benefit of citizens and not just used for commercial purposes to earn revenue. Due to our persuasion the contractor lost the court battle and BMC were given orders to evacuate the marble owners who had set up their godown.
Now, with slums mushrooming all over the city, the space under the flyovers are used for slum squattering. During the past few years the Vakola flyover has turned into a shelter for beggars. These squatter families live under the flyovers and beg at traffic signals. It is high time BMC and MSRDC evict the squatters and the space should be given to corporates for beautification.
An NGO while speaking to Santacruz Patrika said that they have been complaining to the MSRDC regarding encroachment of the space below the Vakola flyover. Another activist complained, "These squatters cook their food and even dry their clothes on the fences under the flyover. On a couple of occasions, I even told them to leave the place." He added that the authorities should hire security guards to protect the space under the flyovers.
The MSRDC is facing losses of nearly Rs 1,500 crore. It built several flyovers in Mumbai from 1995 onwards. Toll collected in Mumbai has made up for investments into flyovers, but rural infrastructure
projects need to be cross-subsidised. Commercial exploitation will halt encroachment by slums. Also, since inception some space of Vakola flyover was being abused by beggars, slum dwellers and urchins. R C Sinha, who headed the MSRDC after its inception, had first thought of beautifying areas under flyovers. "But the plan met with a lukewarm response. Flyovers in prime areas got sponsors, while the ones along highways were left untouched,'' said an official.
Later, the MSRDC came up with a plan for pay-and-park bays under flyovers. This was a lucrative proposition, but it spoiled the aesthetics of areas. Currently, the land under the Vakola flyover is being commercially exploited through a pay-and-park scheme. Instead it is used for illegal activities. It is alleged that space is given to parties which violates the norms of the contractual agreement. Today, the flyover is used mainly by vagabonds, drug peddlers, beggars, slum dwellers and all illegal activities.
A few days ago when this correspondent visited V.N.Desai Hospital it was noticed that in a short period of 10 hours around five dead bodies were brought to the V.N.Desai mortuary. It was a sad picture to notice that the bodies of vagabonds were lying unattended at the hospital for hours. Secondly, there was no white cloth available at the hospital for covering these dead bodies. While speaking to the head of the mortuary he confirmed, “Since the Vakola flyover is used by vagabonds and urchins we have been flooded with dead bodies. Since these urchins live in malnutrition and sleep under the flyover in chilly conditions the death cases are on rise.”
Similarly, while clarifying with a constable at V.N.Desai Hospital he too agreed and said, “The condition of the hospital is pathetic. In fact our police have to bear the expenses of providing cloth to cover these dead bodies. Also, to clear the formalities before disposing these bodies our staff has to shell out monies from our pocket.
If that be the case what are the BMC authorities doing to provide medical assistance to the poor and needy patients? BMC spends crores on unwarranted projects, but is dismal to hear that they cannot spend a few rupees to provide a cover for the dead.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Monday, December 20, 2010
Is the Dattatray Nursing Home episode a hype or a reality?
Of late it has been observed that, all laws are misused in India . That means, one can harass another person by filing false police complaints and court cases and this is a kind of norm in Indian judicial system. However, the problem with many special laws for women and weaker sections of the society is, not just its misuse. Anyone who is accused under these special laws is considered guilty until proven innocent and is denied a fair trial. This violates Universal Declaration of Human Rights, of which India is a signatory. The recent Supreme Court judgment in a case related to section 354 has brought clarity to section 354 of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. Section 354 deals with assault or criminal force to a woman with intent to outrage her modesty in circumstances in which the offender intends to so do or knows that it is likely that his actions will have the same result, but it does not define what constitutes a woman’s modesty.
Now that void is filled. The Supreme Court has said that “the essence of a woman’s modesty is her sex” and that “the act of pulling a woman, removing her saree, coupled with a request for sexual intercourse... would be an outrage of the modesty of the woman; and the knowledge that modesty is likely to be outraged, is sufficient to constitute the offence.” But the problem is that the definition of molestation makes an assault on a woman culpable only if it is done with the intention of outraging her modesty. Redressal has been problematic in the absence of a liberal and expansive definition of ‘modesty’ and ‘intention of outraging’, courts have displayed a patriarchal mindset in dealing with the victim.
Recently, the Indian Supreme Court repeated its warning to the Indian Government and urged the Govt to take steps to stop misuse of gender based laws like Section 498a of IPC. Expressing concern at the rise in number of complaints under Section 498A, the Bench said, "We come across a large number of such complaints which are not even bona fide and are filed with oblique motives."
A few days ago, a Doctor Narendra Nanavare, 32 years residing at Dharavi and attached with the Dattatray Nursing Home at Dattamandir, Vakola was arrested by Vakola police and charged u/s 354 IPC. The entire episode sparked a wide-spread media glare. What’s the reality?
Last week, Nirmala (name changed) admitted her two-month son at Dattatray Nursing home as he was suffering from fever. The child was being treated in the ICU. On Wednesday it was complained that the night shift doctor Narendra checked up the child and later informed Nirmala that she too has to undergo a check-up. Since the woman objected for an examination saying that she is well, the doctor is alleged to have forced Nirmala for a check-up. Later it has been reported that the doctor requested the lady to undress and indulged in indecent acts on the lady. She then narrated the incident to the nurse in ICU. While confirming with the doctor on the incident he bluntly refused the allegations and proved his innocence. However, after Nirmala’s husband and relatives came she narrated the incident to her husband and they went to Vakola Police station and lodged a complaint against Narendra. The doctor was then arrested u/s 354.
The incident had been widely reported by the media. However, Santacruz Patrika acclaimed for its job on investigative journalism carried out its mission. While clarifying with Nirmala who spoke to Santacruz Patrika said, “It was on Wednesday early morning Narendra approached me and informed that I will have to undergo a medical check-up. To this I objected since I was in good health and was surprised on the check-up.” Adding further she said, “However, since Narendra insisted I presumed it could be linked to the condition of my child as he was being breast feeded. Then I allowed Narendra to go ahead with the check-up. Initially, he asked me to remove the buttons of my blouse. Thereafter, he indulged in indecent acts with me. In the meantime the ward boy woke up and went to the toilet. After the ward boy came back from the toilet and I turned around I noticed Narendra zipping his trouser. Then I immediately rushed to the nurse and narrated the incident.” Thereafter, it is learnt that the nurse clarified with the doctor who refuted the allegations. Also after calling up Dr Rakesh Duggal and speaking to him and narrating the incident Nirmala said that Dr Duggal too on the contrary supported Dr Narendra and informed me that I might be dreaming.
But, there is a different angle to the story. While speaking to Santacruz Patrika, Rakesh Duggal of Dattray Nursing Home clarified, “The accused doctor Narendra has been associated with us since the past six years and has a clean character. I had been in the hospital till 6am and while Nirmala’s child was crying I woke up Nirmala from her sleep and requested her to attend to the child” “Afterwards I left and after receiving a call it took to me as a shock and since Nirmala was already in slumbers, I presumed that she might be dreaming as Narendra is with us for past six years who is a doctor of good character.” commented Dr. Duggal.
Further clarifying Dr Duggal said that Nirmala and her family are our patients for the past 5 years and like family friends. Both Nirmala’s children were born in this hospital and also her husband has several times received treatment here. When questioned about his version Dr Duggal elaborated, “In the ICU it is impossible for this type of incident to happen. In the ICU next to Nirmala’s bed were two other patients. An old lady who was next to Nirmala remains awake the whole night. Also, besides a nurse in the ICU there is a ward boy.” “Further, during the time of the incident an ayah was washing clothes in the bathroom opposite the bed. Also every patient has a bell for any emergencies. Further, when the incident took place early morning as narrated by Nirmala, why didn’t she ring the emergency bell? Secondly, why Nirmala reported this matter to the nurse after a prolonged period? However, whatever has transpired is unfortunate which I feel is more to malign the reputation of the hospital”, remarked Duggal.
While speaking to Dr Narendra who has been accused of molestation on his mobile denied the charges and proved his innocence. While clarifying with Santacruz Patrika, Dr Narendra’s close friend who was briefed of the incident before his arrest and who preferred anonymity said, “Dr Narendra has been made a scapegoat as the incident was related more to payment of hospitalization bills. Since Nirmala wanted to avail of Mediclaim the dispute was more related to formalities related to Mediclaim and the entire incident was fabricated.” While confirming with Dr Duggal he too voiced the same version and clarified, “Since Nirmala and the entire family are covered under Mediclaim, she had requested her hospitalization bills to be cleared through Mediclaim.” Dr Duggal also confirmed that they have outstanding bills of around 35,000 to be paid to the hospital and they are due to receive payments through Mediclaim shortly of previous bills. “Presuming they wanted an escape route to non payment of outstanding hospitalization bills this episode appears a fabricated and cooked up story,” admits Dr Duggal.
Further elobarating Dr Duggal questioned, “If Dr Narendra had molested Nirmala why would he have called up her husband and requested him to rush to the hospital? Also why would have Narendra stayed in the Hospital almost till 10am until the family came? Lastly, why had the family to attack Dr Narendra and another staff of the hospital?” “It was only after he was attacked he fled from the hospital which any doctor would run for shelter”, clarified Duggal.
Suggesting a note of caution for the future, Dr Duggal emphasized, if doctors are going to be made scapegoats then no doctor will take the risk of examining lady patients which again is deterrent to the profession. He further questioned – In emergency cases involving life and death, do you expect doctors to shun examining lady patients? Again if we shun our responsibility it will backfire on our profession. In such a situation doctors are at criss-cross!
Lastly, while speaking to Nirmala she admitted that she has spoken to the hospital management and informed that if Dr Narendra apologizes she is willing to pardon him and forget the incident. However, it is learnt through some unconfirmed sources that the Nirmala family is negotiating with the doctor and his family for a compromise. Is compromise a solution to the defaming of the medical profession?
Haj Subsidy, nothing but an eye-wash!
The Haj subsidy is an airfare subsidy given to Indian Muslim Hajj pilgrims. Pilgrims applying through the Haj Committee of India are offered the concessionary fare. The Government of India pays the subsidy to Air India . Basically Haj pilgrimage is ordained for or obligatory only on those who are physically and financially capable of performing the journey and the Hajjis do not need government financial subsidy. Secondly, Muslims do not like their Haj trip financed by any other person or by any Government body. Maulana Mehmood Madani, a member of the Rajya Sabha and general secretary of the Jamiat-e-Ulema-e-Hind, declared that the Hajj subsidy is a technical violation of Islamic Sharia, since the Koran
declares that Hajj should be performed by Muslims using their own resources.
Then for what is this subsidy offered to the Haj pilgrims…It is only an eye-wash! But in reality it is an income offered to the loss-making AirIndia from going sick and thousand of its employees from being rendered jobless. The government gives some discounted amount to the Air India for their over-priced ticket. Hajjis receiving the supposed subsidy are only allowed to travel through Air India , thus filling the coffers of the Airlines considerably, since almost 1, 00,000 Hajjis are expected to go for Haj, every year. With lakhs of pilgrims every year going to Haj, any Airline in this world would gladly offer discount to such a huge number of passengers, should Hajjis be allowed to travel on their own as chartered trips could still be cheaper than the airfare charged by Air India. The Haj subsidy offered to Hajj pilgrims is nothing but a farce and the Government monopolized the Haj pilgrimage merely to protect the government run loss-making Air India . Since, Hajjis are actually providing Rupees 850 million to Rupees 900 million as revenue to Air India every year. That is why even the BJP Government during its 6 years tenure of
rule could not stop the supposed subsidy.
New Delhi ’s subsidy for the Haj pilgrims began only in 1993, the year after the Babri Masjid demolition, when the then prime minister Narasimha Rao used it as soap in the hope of gaining over the sentiments of Muslim community. Indian Muslims did not demand the Hajj subsidy. In fact Muslim pilgrims have been performing Haj over 1000 years without hoping for any aid or help from others. Further, it was voiced by the community that the Haj Committees should be allowed to float a Global Tender to choose Airlines through bidding, which would result in still cheaper fares paid to them, without incurring a single paisa expense to the Government and away with the Haj subsidy. It is conceived that the Haj subsidy offered by the government to Indian pilgrims going through the Haj Committee is nothing but an imposition to travel by the Air India. Secondly, this subsidy is paid only to around 60 percent Indian pilgrims going through the Haj Committee, an official organization of the Indian government, while around 40 percent going through commercial operation are denied this subsidy.
declares that Hajj should be performed by Muslims using their own resources.
Then for what is this subsidy offered to the Haj pilgrims…It is only an eye-wash! But in reality it is an income offered to the loss-making Air
rule could not stop the supposed subsidy.
We are also aware that the Government of India spends millions for the Kumbh Mela and for other pilgrimages of Hindus, in the name of facilities and securities arrangement done to them. The government spends crores of rupees on the internal administration of Hindu pilgrims like facilitating the Kumbh Mela, Vaishno Devi, Badrinath and other Tirth Yatras. The government also bears huge amounts to facilitate pilgrims belonging to Hindus and Sikhs going to Pakistan for religious pilgrimage. The BJP Government announced that it would begin paying monthly salaries to Hindu priests in the State. During the first phase, each priest of the 354 government-controlled devasthans, or temples, would be entitled to a monthly salary of about Rs 1200. As noted, Hindus do receive government subsidies for pilgrimages to Mount Kailash , and from a variety of other sources. First, the Ministry of External Affairs routes Rs 3250 to each Kailash Yatri. The Uttar Pradesh state government then adds Rs 5000 per pilgrim. The Delhi state government adds other Rs 5000 for any pilgrim from Delhi . Likewise, the Gujarat government gives a kit worth Rs 2500 to every yatri from that state. This kind of subsidy may well be given by other states as well, although such information is not publicly available.
Gujarat presents a particularly interesting case of state money being funneled towards Hindu causes. Is this not public money and subsidy….Then why the hue and cry? That Muslims are being given a motherly treatment and Hindus a step-motherly treatment by the government….
Bandhs against price rise - Are they justified?
The World Bank head Robert Zoellick warned that 100 million people in poor countries could be pushed deeper into poverty by spiraling prices. Prices have raised sharply in recent months, driven by increased demand, poor weather in some countries that has ruined crops and reduced production area, thanks to an increase in the use of land to grow crops for transport fuels. The sharp rises have led to protests and unrest in many countries all over the world, including Egypt , Ivory Coast , Ethiopia , the Philippines and Indonesia . In Haiti , protests a few months ago turned violent, leading to the deaths of five people and the fall of the government
The BBC World Service global study said that while all nations had felt the burden of the higher costs, the problem was most acute in poorer countries. The Philippines was one of the worst hit of those nations questioned. And while demand grows faster than supply, it will be hard to replenish food stocks, which are currently still at a far lower level, though they have been much lower for almost half a century. Ordinary Indians are facing significantly increased hardship because of the rise in the cost of food.... means people on or below the borderline - hundreds of millions of people - are struggling to make ends meet. This does not mean our leaders resort to acts of hooliganism and take to the streets.
We have all these years only pampered our farmers with subsidies on fertilizers and the common man with subsidies on petroleum products at the cost of our economy. We cannot survive anymore and we have to apply the basics of economics and at the same time educate our ‘netas’ on the basics of economics. Economics is basically balancing two sides of the economy…i.e. Income v/s Expenditure. With the price of crude oil sky-rocketing and India heavily depending on imports, a huge amount of our expenditure goes on imports of crude oil. Now, we have to be very practical and not go on subisidising petroleum products just to satisfy the ‘vote bank’, which is putting our economy in a precarious situation. This has a cascading effect on price rise of all commodities and this price rise is a global threat and not only to India .
Hence our lumpen politicians by taking to the roads and causing grave loss to the economy is only further burdening the poor. Secondly the opposition of frequently stalling the normal functioning of the House and abuse of the Chair is nothing but a blatant subversion of democracy. The least one can expect is that the opposition clearly enunciate their political philosophies and take definite stands on points of principle. But, in the confused contemporary milieu, clouded as it is by pernickety personality problems, principle has been relegated to the backseat. Sobriety has been thrown to the winds.
Kripashankar suffers a further setback in scam probe
Mumbai’s chief of Congress and Kalina’s MLA Kripashankar Singh, for the past two years has been entangled into a heap of controversies. Last year raids were conducted by the Income-Tax department and the Enforcement Directorate into Kripashankar’s alleged involvement of the Rs 2,000-crore Madhu Koda scam. Investigators are examining, among his other assets, savings bank accounts of his family that show disproportionately large transactions between 2006-07 and 2008-09, and several discrepancies in documents that suggest forgery.
Eight savings bank accounts of his family members and close associates are under the scanner. Three of these accounts show cash deposits and transfers of nearly Rs 65 crore in two years by Kripashankar’s wife Maltidevi Singh and son Narendra Mohan Singh. These transactions unearth at a time when Kripashankar was All-India Congress Committee (AICC) observer for Jharkhand, exactly when Koda, an independent MLA then, was sworn in CM with Congress support. Further, at that time his son, Narendra Mohan married Ankita, daughter of Jharkhand politician Kamlesh Singh, in April ’08. Ankita’s dad Kamlesh Singh was then water resources minister in the Koda government and is a key accused in the scam.
Both Koda and Kamlesh Singh were arrested in November last year; the Jharkhand vigilance bureau filed preliminary charge sheets against them for holding assets disproportionate to known sources of income. Kamlesh Singh’s assets were estimated at nearly 130 per cent more than his sources of income. However, it is alleged that a considerable sum of scam money may have been diverted through his daughter, son-in-law and the latter’s father. Also, on investigations it is revealed that the Koda diary, incidentally, mentions a “Kripashankar a/c” with several entries against it. Kripashankar has denied it was him, but investigators have placed him and his family under scrutiny.
Kripashankar’s family owns properties in projects executed by one of the real estate companies which deposited huge amounts into his son’s account; the company also has infrastructure projects in Jharkhand. Also, there was a sudden rise in the wealth and property acquisitions of the Kripashankar family in Mumbai during the years Koda held sway in Jharkhand (first as mines minister in the Arjun Munda-led BJP regime, and later as CM). This includes a large duplex apartment near Mumbai airport, a bungalow on Bandra’sCarter Road , known as one of the costliest property prices of real estate in Mumbai, office spaces and shops at key locations in projects by either of the two real estate companies associated with the family, and land in Maharashtra and Uttar Pradesh.
Also, Kripashankar appears to have acquired a second PAN card in complete violation of law. His election affidavit 2009 mentions number CFYPS989P as his PAN, but in the affidavit he filed in September 2004 for the assembly election, he gives his PAN as AVAPS1485L. Possessing two PAN cards is a crime and cannot possibly be an oversight, says an investigator. Was the second PAN card acquired to conceal transactions that take the trail back to Koda, Kamlesh Singh and others in the scam? However, Kripashankar says he has returned one of the cards and also denies any links with Koda and his associates, and insists his relationship with Kamlesh Singh is purely at a family level. He also terms the entire episode as fabricated without any truth in the allegations. It is nothing but a political conspiracy hatched by his political rivals.”
Both Koda and Kamlesh Singh were arrested in November last year; the Jharkhand vigilance bureau filed preliminary charge sheets against them for holding assets disproportionate to known sources of income. Kamlesh Singh’s assets were estimated at nearly 130 per cent more than his sources of income. However, it is alleged that a considerable sum of scam money may have been diverted through his daughter, son-in-law and the latter’s father. Also, on investigations it is revealed that the Koda diary, incidentally, mentions a “Kripashankar a/c” with several entries against it. Kripashankar has denied it was him, but investigators have placed him and his family under scrutiny.
Kripashankar’s family owns properties in projects executed by one of the real estate companies which deposited huge amounts into his son’s account; the company also has infrastructure projects in Jharkhand. Also, there was a sudden rise in the wealth and property acquisitions of the Kripashankar family in Mumbai during the years Koda held sway in Jharkhand (first as mines minister in the Arjun Munda-led BJP regime, and later as CM). This includes a large duplex apartment near Mumbai airport, a bungalow on Bandra’s
Also, Kripashankar appears to have acquired a second PAN card in complete violation of law. His election affidavit 2009 mentions number CFYPS989P as his PAN, but in the affidavit he filed in September 2004 for the assembly election, he gives his PAN as AVAPS1485L. Possessing two PAN cards is a crime and cannot possibly be an oversight, says an investigator. Was the second PAN card acquired to conceal transactions that take the trail back to Koda, Kamlesh Singh and others in the scam? However, Kripashankar says he has returned one of the cards and also denies any links with Koda and his associates, and insists his relationship with Kamlesh Singh is purely at a family level. He also terms the entire episode as fabricated without any truth in the allegations. It is nothing but a political conspiracy hatched by his political rivals.”
Now, once again Mumbai Congress chief Kripashankar Singh suffered a setback after the Bombay High Court reviewed the status of investigations by three investigating agencies into corruption allegations against him and directed them to continue their probe. The Bombay High Court asked Anti-corruption Bureau, Income Tax department and Enforcement Directorate to continue their probe against city Congress chief Kripashankar Singh in an alleged disproportionate assets case and for violation of various laws.
The court also set a deadline for these investigating agencies to complete their probe by March 3, 2011, and asked them to file a comprehensive report by then. The court is hearing a PIL alleging that Singh, MLA from Kalina and former Maharashtra minister of state for home, was possessing assets disproportionate to his known sources of income and that he had violated various laws.
All the three agencies submitted reports on progress of the probe in a sealed cover to Chief Justice Mohit Shah and Justice SV Kathawala who perused the papers and directed the authorities to continue with the investigations. The next hearing of the case would be on March 3 next. The PIL, filed early this year by social worker and RTI activist Sanjay Tiwari, had linked Singh with the Madhu Koda scandal and raised questions about his assets. The petitioner was represented by senior counsel Mahesh Jethmalani and Mihir Desai. The petitioner contended that in 2006 when Singh was an AICC observer for Jharkhand, he was instrumental in installing the Madhu Koda government. Koda was arrested along with his then ministerial colleague Kamlesh Singh. Incidentally, Kamlesh Singh's daughter Ankita is married to Kripashankar's son Narendra alias Sanjay Singh.
He also pointed out that Singh used chartered flights often and it was "obvious that large sums of money were paid for this purpose and this needs to be investigated". The petitioner further alleged that he has not declared his wife's property details when he stood for elections in 2009. The petition alleged that Singh's daughter Sunita has two ration cards and her husband Vijay Kumar Singh was a resident of UP and a government employee there till April 1997. Yet, Vijay Kumar was allotted a house in Maharashtra in joint name from CM's discretionary quota on the basis of fake documents.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Are Dawri Nagar Slum dwellers taken for a ride?
The SRA proposal initiated by the government has become a haven for unscrupulous builders, smugglers, goondas, land grabbers, politicians, unemployed and many. All in the name of SRA re-development they have been harassing the innocent slumdwellers and compelling them sign documents or face the consequences. Last month, a chaos and mass protest was demonstrated by the slum dwellers of Ganesh Krupa Society, Khar (E), against the developer Shivalik Ventures. An area spread across 140 acres, Jawahar Nagar in Khar (West) is one of the biggest areas open for redevelopment under the Slum Rehabilitation Authority’s (SRA) jurisdiction. But after two incidents of debates between residents and the developer for the area, resident Datta Mane was beaten up by unknown miscreants and a police complaint was lodged.
Similarly, last week a slumdweller, Sadan Shah residing at Adarsh Lane Chawl, Gate No 1, Dawri Nagar was stabbed at Vakola Bridge since he objected against signing of any agreement or handing over his documents to the society which has been collecting documents from slum dwellers on pretext of development of slums at Dawri Nagar.
It is learnt that a Saidham Co-Op Hsg Soc, Dawri Nagar was formed in 2005 for the development of Dawri Nagar. Now, it is understood that the name has been changed to Saidham Co-op Madhyavarthi Samiti. It is alleged that since the past couple of months the society has been collecting documents and getting forms signed from the slum dwellers of Dawri Nagar on the pretext that a builder has received NOC for the development of Dawri Nagar. It is learnt that many slum dwellers have signed documents and alleged that others who have not signed are forcibly made to hand over documents and accept the proposal.
Last week, a slum dweller Sadan Shah, who has been residing at Dawri Nagar, has been selling tomatoes on handcart opposite Saidham Co-op Hsg Soc office. It is learnt that society members/agents have been torturing him since July to sign the documents accepting the proposed of development scheme. But, Sadan has been reluctant and was unwilling to accept the scheme. While speaking to Santacruz Patrika, Sadan admitted and said, “In October Mukhtar Patel and Abdul Razzak Nagani came over to me and asked me to hand over chawl documents to the society. Since I was reluctant they threatened me that if I do not submit my documents to the society, I will not be allowed to continue my business of selling tomatoes. Also, Farida Chappan Mastan Sheikh, Gate No4, Dawri Nagar threatened me and told me that I will have to deposit documents in society office”
Fearing threat Sadan lodged a police complaint against Mukhtar and Razzak vide NC No 5775 dt 19.11.2010. However, on 3rd December, while Sadan was finalizing his business dues with his creditor it is alleged that an unknown person approached Sadan and asked him if he recognizes Mukhthat and Razak. “Since I spoke in the negative, this unidentified person removed a knife to stab me. Since I turned I was brutally stabbed in the back, “admits Sadan.
He was rushed to V.N.Desai Hospital and given treatment and discharged. A complaint was lodged at Vakola Police Station. Sadan received about 14-15 stitches. However, on 6th December as he was vomiting and a severe pain near the stab wound, Sadan was admitted at V.N.Desai Hospital for treatment. A case No 533/10 u/s 324,504,507 IPC has been registered by Vakola Police.
It is further learnt that Dawri Nagar Bachao Samiti has been formed in October to raise protest. While speaking to Santacruz Patrika, Subash Sawant said, “Since the past few months the slum dwellers are being fooled and compelled to sign documents. As far as my understanding goes Dawri Nagar is situated on Central government land and no NOC has been granted by Central government for development. The innocent slum dwellers are taken for a ride and forced to part with documents on the pretext that the builder has got an NOC and the documents have to be submitted to the builder. On two earlier occasions forms have been signed and the innocent have been fooled.” Adding further Sawant said, “Last week a slum dweller has been stabbed and is in hospital. In this regard an NC had been lodged at Vakola Police Station and a written letter has been submitted to DCP.” “In the interest of the slum dwellers the culprits have to be booked as their agents despite giving threats and committing crimes are not arrested. To raise protest against these illegal activities our Dawri Nagar Bachao Samiti will fight to the last”, concludes Sawant.
Seeing the condition in some areas it persuades me to think whether the rise of Maoist rebellion is really unjustified. If some body is deprived the very basic needs like food , water and shelter in a democratic system for as long as long as six decades, even a sensible man would lose its faith in democracy system. The same has happened with simple, peace loving tribal people of Chhattisgarh, West Bengal, Orissa and some parts of Andhra Pradesh and Gujarat . Why are we not seeing the root cause of rebellion? In state like Chhattisgarh which is rich in good quality raw mineral, is being leached out by mining industries, resulting in the annihilation of the tribal people and depriving them the natural resources. Maoist rebellion is result of fear of annihilation among the tribals. It’s totally imperative that growth of India is necessary and mandatory but the bigger question is at what cost. Do not the tribals in India have the same rights as people like us who consider our selves as educated, enlightened and responsible citizens? Aren’t they the citizens of India ? When will our system recognize the very root cause of this issue? Will it take some more Dantewada events for the system to understand the ground reality? The 76 CRPF solders who died in the massacre are martyrs, but they were slayed not by some foreign terrorist organizations, but by our own citizens of this country. If a mother has more than one kid and if she cares and adores one of them most of the times, the other siblings are bound to get rebellion as they are not getting fair share of caring and affection which is their right. The governments forcibly possess fertile agriculture lands for diversion to SEZs, mining and industries thereby caring more for the industrialists than tribals….which retaliates into rebellion acts... One such case is the Mahuva region in the District of Bhavnagar of Gujarat which has arguably among the most fertile land where farmers grow three crops per annum, and also export mangoes, coconuts and other fruits. The abundance of farm produce has spun off agro processing units such as vegetable dehydration plants and cotton ginning units. The 51 dehydration plants reportedly employ 10,000 people churning a turnover of Rs.3 billion; whereas the corresponding figures for 18 ginning plants are 3000 people and Rs.35 billion. The region thus provides livelihood opportunities to about 10,000 farmers, 13,000 agro-industry employees and another 30,000 or odd farm labourers and artisans taking the total over 50,000 people. Recognising the agri-potential of this region the Gujarat government had invested tens of millions of public money during the last decade to build structures for water conversation and to prevent ingress of salinity in this coastal region. Contrary to its own earlier wisdom, Gujarat government decided to give 8,200 acres (720 for factory + 7,500 for limestone mine) of land in this very area for Nirma’s cement factory that would employ less than 500 people instead of the 50,000. Naturally, people of this region were horrified when they taught of this new development devoid of any thought for the welfare of the people whose interests the government is supposed to represent. For over one year people from at least 15 villages have been peacefully resisting the Gujarat government’s move for the ‘enclosure’ of their fertile lands just to benefit a corporate house. This project will destroy the livelihoods of over 50,000 people and eventually pauperize them and force them migrate to cities to eke out a miserable existence. Nobody would acquiesce in being pushed into beggary quietly and neither are these people silent about the assault on their livelihoods. .After a year long non violent protest and efforts to make the Government see reason failed 11,500 people signed a petition with their blood requesting it to desist from dispossessing them described as a frontal assault on democratic and human rights of these people. From Dantewada (Chattisgarh, Lalgarh (West Bengal), Jaitapur (Maharashtra), Narayanpatna (Orissa), to Mahuva (Gujarat ); or from BJP, Congress, CPM, BJD, to DMK; it doesn’t matter which state or political party is ruling. The message is ominously the same. Mining and Industry is more important than people’s welfare or food. State cares about feeding hungry corporates having bottomless appetites with minerals, raw materials, land, water, forests and other common resources at the cost of the people in whose name they rule. While the talk is of development and progress for the poor and common people, the deeds are aimed at fattening the corporate, the legal persons, by pauperizing the citizenry, the real persons. The duplicity of the state is writ large everywhere. Time to act is now.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Injured Kalina lady is finally compensated by BMC
About a month ago, we had reported about a Kalina resident, Annie Fernandes (37), who sustained grievous injuries when a tree fell on her. The BMC drew flak for the incidents and it decided to take action on the housing societies. Prior to that, a month ago, Annie Fernandes, a widow residing at Kolivery Village , Kalina while crossing the road a tree fell on her. She was grievously injured and was lying at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Hospital where she underwent treatment. Annie being a widow lost her husband about 3 months ago and has a 2 year-old child. Her father works as an employee in the office of Our Lady of Egypt Church, Kalina.
After the accident, the Asst. Commissioner and Engineer, Garden dept visited the site. But when the time came to paying the injured lady compensation it is alleged that the Asst. Commissioner showed reluctance. However, Rev. Fr. Adrian Ferreira, Parish Priest, Our Lady of Egypt, Kalina intervened and shot a letter to the Corporator, Alice Therattil. After a lot of persuasion and follow-up by Alice Therattil with the Mayor, garden Dept of BMC, Municipal Commissioner, Anand Walhalkar, AMC and C.B.Rokade, DMC she finally managed to get an amount of Rs 50,000 cleared by BMC.
It was on 6th December; Corporator Alice Therattil finally handed over a cheque of Rs 50,000 from BMC to Annie at her residence since she is still not in a movable condition. Being a widow Annie is still in financial difficulties since for no fault of hers she had to undergo huge medical expenses and liability. However, corporator Alice Therattil taking into consideration of her huge financial liability has requested the BMC to provide further assistance through other funds of Mumbai Mahanagarpalika.
Santacruz Patrika had also raised the question - When BMC is ready to pay Rs one Lakh compensation to relatives of dead and Rs 50,000 to injured. Hence, in this case - Why should Annie Fernandes not be compensated by BMC? While elaborating Alice Therattil spoke to Santacruz Patrika and said, “After a lot of persuasion with BMC I finally managed to get compensation paid to Annie Fernandes.”
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
‘What the Church & School needed, we provided’ - Therattil
The Catholic community of Kalina badly needed a beautiful access to the Church and School. The question that was left unanswered for long was - A new entrance to the Church, the School, an entrance keeping in time and tune with 2010’s needs. We all know that for many decades a shop existed just outside attached to the OLEP church/school gate, selling unhygienic and non-essentials. A shop that threw a spanner in all of BMC’s plans. It stood in the midst of school programmes, church festivities, processions, free movement of school buses, school children activities and was an eye sore. The School, the Church, the mighty and the meek all wanted its removal, but the shop managed to challenge the powers, and overcame several odds to remain unfazed, and posed a challenge to everyone. People were resigned to our fate and for several decades accepted our fait accompli. But ultimately their prayers were answered. During conversations immediately after Mrs. Alice Johnson Therattil became BMC Corporator of Ward 84, she and her husband Mr. Johnson G Therattil, both regular visitors to the institution were against the shabby entrance to these glorious Institutions, on several occasions they asked the authorities if both of them could serve the School and Church’s special needs.
And lo and behold – the shop, the eyesore, dominating the entrance, became the focal point once again as a thorn to the Institution. However, they got an assurance from the Therattils that they would help to remove this thorn that has been causing a nuisance to the institution. Their sentiments were upbeat – the scenario changed - from the depths of despair and depression to a sea change in the approach – they had assured the shop’s life was but short-lived.
Soon, action took its root and all the concerned authorities - the traffic police, the corporation personnel’s and all seemed to spell the death knell for the shop owner who was adamant. And on 27th March 2010, the shop was ultimately and finally demolished. The hard work and persuasion of the Therattils brought results. A wish had been fulfilled.
Disqualified Corporator continues to use identity on banners!
After the last BMC elections, 15 corporators had been disqualified for having produced fake caste certificates. Almost four years on, the wards of 14 of those leaders have new corporators, who had either finished second in the 2007 BMC elections, or won by-elections subsequent to the disqualifications.The ward that remains without a corporator is number 86 in Santacruz East. Shiv Sena’s Vishwanath Mahadeshwar, disqualified, appealed in High Court that ruled in his favour, before the matter became the subject of litigation again. Indeed, all 15 corporators had gone to court, asking for a stay order on a BMC scrutiny committee’s findings. Some of them had moved the court of small causes; others had approached the Bombay High Court directly. While the cases were in court, the corporators did not have the right to attend the BMC’s house and general body meetings, and had no voting rights. Suspended members will not be able to attend any meetings of BMC, make any decisions, use their funds or partake in any civic activities. They will also not be liable for the honorarium from the civic body. After Mahadeshwar’s election, his Congress opponent Suryavansh Thakur had filed a case against him in the court of small causes alleging inconsistency in his caste certificate. The Bombay High Court stayed the by-election to ward 86 in Santa Cruz (Golibar to Vakola Bridge) following a petition by Congressman Suresh Thakur that he be declared elected since Shiv Sena corporator Vishwanath Mahadeshwar had been disqualified for submitting a fake caste certificate. Earlier, Rafique Sheikh, another Congressman, was declared elected from ward 85 Santa Cruz (Kalina to Bharat Nagar in Bandra-Kurla Complex), after the disqualification of Samajwadi Party corporator Lalji Yadav was upheld by the court. Sheikh, who had lost to Yadav by 150 votes, had appealed to the court to declare him elected and also prevented a by-election in the ward.
Mahadeshwar, who was also a standing committee member, had been disqualified by the Konkan commissioner, which scrutinises caste certificates, after it found that the certificate submitted at the time of the civic elections in February was fake. Mahadeshwar had challenged the decision in the high court which upheld the disqualification. In August, he approached the Supreme Court, which refused to intervene.
Similarly, the fate of Mahadeshwar Pandurang, Shiv Sena (accused of submitting fake caste certificates) and Suresh Thakur, Congress has been in the courts for almost four years. Mahadeshwar Pandurang who was declared winner was challenged by Suresh Thakur in the Courts. After fighting a long-drawn legal battle in courts challenging Mahadeshwar Pandurang’s fake caste identity the matter has finally reached the tip of the ice-berg. Suresh Thakur while speaking to Santacruz Patrika clarified and said, “Caste certificates of Vaishyawani and Kulwant Wani under OBC has been dismissed by the High Court and orders passed to remove from OBC.” He further added, “Mahadeshwar Pandurang had appealed for a stay but the HC pronounced an order dismissing the caste certificate of Mahadeshwar.” However, while speaking to Santacruz Patrika, Mahadeshwar Pandurang clarified and said, “The HC came to a conclusion that the GR of 1995, 96 and circular of 2008 issued by the government was not proper and correct and accordingly the case was squashed.” I have done no wrong and submitted my caste certificates of Vaishyawani as per order. But if the court does not treat it as correct I have no say and have to respect the HC order. My elder brother and my son have got validity as Vaishyawani by the government and why I have been discriminated. The next recourse of action available to Mahadeshwar is to move the Supreme Court. And it is learnt that he has moved the Supreme Court challenging the order of HC. Mahadeshwar admits that the order of the HC of dismissing Vaishyawani from OBC is not a good decision. What will be the fate of employees employed under this category? What will be the fate of Medical, Engineering and various students who have taken admission as Vaishyawani under OBC? The order has put everyone’s fate at stake and will be challenged.However, in the tussle in courts the sufferers are the people of the ward since they are without a corporator. They have no one to address their civic problems and grievances and the ward is left unattended. Pandurang Mahadeshwar was a corporator in the ward for only four months and was was disqualified sometime end July, 2007. However, it is alleged that Pandurang Mahadeshwar still keeps putting up hoardings with his photograph as a Municipal Councillor which is a violation of law and cheating the public. While speaking to the residents of TPS 3 they clarified that because there is no corporator in the ward, a lot of illegal hawker stalls have come up in the vicinity. This has spoilt the entire beauty of the area. There is nobody to listen to our woes. Similarly, a lot of illegal stalls and chawls have sprung up in Golibar. With the matter being dragged in courts, the electorates are the innocent who are made to face various hardships.
Mahadeshwar, who was also a standing committee member, had been disqualified by the Konkan commissioner, which scrutinises caste certificates, after it found that the certificate submitted at the time of the civic elections in February was fake. Mahadeshwar had challenged the decision in the high court which upheld the disqualification. In August, he approached the Supreme Court, which refused to intervene.
Similarly, the fate of Mahadeshwar Pandurang, Shiv Sena (accused of submitting fake caste certificates) and Suresh Thakur, Congress has been in the courts for almost four years. Mahadeshwar Pandurang who was declared winner was challenged by Suresh Thakur in the Courts. After fighting a long-drawn legal battle in courts challenging Mahadeshwar Pandurang’s fake caste identity the matter has finally reached the tip of the ice-berg. Suresh Thakur while speaking to Santacruz Patrika clarified and said, “Caste certificates of Vaishyawani and Kulwant Wani under OBC has been dismissed by the High Court and orders passed to remove from OBC.” He further added, “Mahadeshwar Pandurang had appealed for a stay but the HC pronounced an order dismissing the caste certificate of Mahadeshwar.” However, while speaking to Santacruz Patrika, Mahadeshwar Pandurang clarified and said, “The HC came to a conclusion that the GR of 1995, 96 and circular of 2008 issued by the government was not proper and correct and accordingly the case was squashed.” I have done no wrong and submitted my caste certificates of Vaishyawani as per order. But if the court does not treat it as correct I have no say and have to respect the HC order. My elder brother and my son have got validity as Vaishyawani by the government and why I have been discriminated. The next recourse of action available to Mahadeshwar is to move the Supreme Court. And it is learnt that he has moved the Supreme Court challenging the order of HC. Mahadeshwar admits that the order of the HC of dismissing Vaishyawani from OBC is not a good decision. What will be the fate of employees employed under this category? What will be the fate of Medical, Engineering and various students who have taken admission as Vaishyawani under OBC? The order has put everyone’s fate at stake and will be challenged.However, in the tussle in courts the sufferers are the people of the ward since they are without a corporator. They have no one to address their civic problems and grievances and the ward is left unattended. Pandurang Mahadeshwar was a corporator in the ward for only four months and was was disqualified sometime end July, 2007. However, it is alleged that Pandurang Mahadeshwar still keeps putting up hoardings with his photograph as a Municipal Councillor which is a violation of law and cheating the public. While speaking to the residents of TPS 3 they clarified that because there is no corporator in the ward, a lot of illegal hawker stalls have come up in the vicinity. This has spoilt the entire beauty of the area. There is nobody to listen to our woes. Similarly, a lot of illegal stalls and chawls have sprung up in Golibar. With the matter being dragged in courts, the electorates are the innocent who are made to face various hardships.
Digging of roads a nuisance to commuters at Vakola
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A Fire Brigade, an emergency service provider held in the traffic jam at Vakola Bridge |
Especially, every evening many commuters are trapped in their vehicles for hours because of the work being carried out. Most people believe it is the lack on planning on the part of officials that is responsible. “I find myself late for work every evening because of the chaotic traffic jam that I encounter at the Vakola Bridge junction. The authorities should plan well in advance before undertaking any road work. Also once the work is done, the roads must go back to how they were. Leaving behind open ditches with red flags or twigs on them is unacceptable,” says an angered commuter.
In fact while speaking to Santacruz Patrika, a contractor who has taken up the digging of road for the extension of skywalk said, “We are hardly allowed to complete our work on schedule or at a stretch. Most of the time our work is either stopped by the BMC, MTNL, Reliance Infra or other telecom operators, prohibiting us to dig fearing their cables or pipes may get damaged. This inconvenience caused to the public cannot be taken care of.” Also an urban planner, thinks that most of the road works carried out are not well planned and executed properly. He says, “Heavy vehicles cannot run on all roads. When a road is being dug up, there should be a restriction on the kind of vehicles that should be allowed on the road. This can stop traffic from clogging up.”
Then there are other commuters who complain that the authorities just abandon the half worked on roads for months together. “The work at Vakola Bridge has been going on for more than eight months and has left a big ditch on the road. Besides, more than 50% of the road has been cornered by its equipments or has been fenced. This narrows the road leading to heavy traffic jam at the junction of Vakola Bridge . Nothing has been done about it and I don’t think anything will do about it soon. No one supervises the contractors, echoed an angered commuter.
However, it was in the evening that this reporter was held in the traffic jam for hours at Vakola Bridge . But the plight was that a Fire Brigade and Ambulance too were held at the junction for almost an hour. Despite continuously blowing the siren it went unheard as there was no way for an exit in the chaotic traffic jam. What will be the condition of a serious patient in an ambulance? It’s time the authorities work out a solution.
The bad condition of various roads in the city is because of the storm water drains department (SWD). The SWD is central agency and if they are digging up roads, it is the duty of this agency to make sure that the roads were as they were before this agency has passed on the repairing work to its own contractors. However, there is no one who supervises the work of these contractors. They just do their work and leave behind shoddy roads. Moreover, no department takes up the responsibility of maintaining the roads that they dug up. Most contractors who are hired to patch up the roads are not qualified to do so. The work that they do is just a show. We have taken up the issue with the authorities but no action has been taken. As a result of that the roads have sunk. It is the people who suffer in these circumstances. Replacing sewage pipelines is important but people should stop passing the buck. They should take responsibility and restore the roads to what they were before the work.
BJP leader Arun Shourie has now exposed the real face of his party when in a TV interview, he made an honest confession that he was denied for being the lead speaker for Union Budget 2009 in Rajya Sabha at last moment because notorious corporate lobbyist Nira Radia successfully persuaded top BJP leaders to replace him with Venkaiah Naidu as the lead speaker so that party could take a more accommodating line on proposals that could help country’s richest industrialist Mukesh Ambani. Former NDA minister Arun Shourie has said he was replaced as a lead speaker in a budget debate over fears that he would oppose a proposal that may have benefited Mukesh Ambani, bring the BJP under glare at a time the party has been targeting the Congress on corruption. The statement also reflects how much Shourie and the BJP have drifted apart since the dramatic events triggered by the party’s defeat in the general elections of 2009.
It is now clear that all political parties and alliances, whether in ruling or in opposition, dance to tune of rich corporate honchos because of their being funded through approaching lobbyists. In fact, party-based political system has collapsed inIndia , and the country needs a refined democratic form of governance which should be qualitative and not just quantitative free from domination of party-bosses.
In a TV interview last week, Shourie had opposed the BJP’s insistence on a joint parliamentary committee probe into the recent scams, saying previous committees had achieved little and helped the government in pushing matters under the carpet. Asked if he had spoken on this to BJP leaders, he said: “Actually, I am hardly in touch with the party as a party now. There are good friends as individuals.” "I was asked to open the debate on the budget. I worked for one week to speak on the matter and at the last minute, after I reached the house I was told the previous night, Mr Venkaiah Naidu had decided to speak suddenly. Therefore, as he had been party president, he will speak first."Shourie said that that it was certainly clear from the tapes that the main aim for the last-minute replacement was for the BJP not to go strongly against a budget proposal which would favour RIL.
Democracy survives on counter-rallying power. It survives when there are alternate sources of authority. But now those have joined hands. There is, what my friend (Union Urban Development Minister S) Jaipal Reddy has once called, an invisible government ofIndia which is completely stable. The visible Government of India keeps changing, but that invisible government of India remains completely stable. That is the real danger because now the Opposition is no different from the ruling party, whichever is the ruling party. The influence of those puppeteers behind the scene works on both sides. As a result, no issue is pursued to conclusion.
Don't you think the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) also has a lot to answer for in the current situation? I don't see the difference between the two. I feel they (the BJP and the Congress) are one party. They are jointly ruling. It is a dinner party. They meet at dinners. They meet socially. They decide on what has to be done about issues. It is all very cooperative behaviour. They (the BJP) are shouting (for a Joint Parliamentary Committee). They know that it will kill the investigation. A JPC will raise side issues and that is what both sides want. Because the corporates behind both sides are the same. They don't want the 2G spectrum investigation to proceed. If you see the bigger picture of 2G spectrum, it is a battle between the old operators and the new operators in telecom... That's why political parties are not taking up the issue of the Radia tapes.
The CPI-M (Communist Party of India-Marxist) shouted about the tapes, but the next day the story came that West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya was dealing with Radia for the West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation. Now can the CPI-M shout 'crony capitalism' in the same way? The problem is the homogenisation ofIndia 's political parties. All are becoming clones of each other. That means there is no counter-wheeling power any longer in the country.
It is now clear that all political parties and alliances, whether in ruling or in opposition, dance to tune of rich corporate honchos because of their being funded through approaching lobbyists. In fact, party-based political system has collapsed in
In a TV interview last week, Shourie had opposed the BJP’s insistence on a joint parliamentary committee probe into the recent scams, saying previous committees had achieved little and helped the government in pushing matters under the carpet. Asked if he had spoken on this to BJP leaders, he said: “Actually, I am hardly in touch with the party as a party now. There are good friends as individuals.” "I was asked to open the debate on the budget. I worked for one week to speak on the matter and at the last minute, after I reached the house I was told the previous night, Mr Venkaiah Naidu had decided to speak suddenly. Therefore, as he had been party president, he will speak first."Shourie said that that it was certainly clear from the tapes that the main aim for the last-minute replacement was for the BJP not to go strongly against a budget proposal which would favour RIL.
Democracy survives on counter-rallying power. It survives when there are alternate sources of authority. But now those have joined hands. There is, what my friend (Union Urban Development Minister S) Jaipal Reddy has once called, an invisible government of
Don't you think the BJP (Bharatiya Janata Party) also has a lot to answer for in the current situation? I don't see the difference between the two. I feel they (the BJP and the Congress) are one party. They are jointly ruling. It is a dinner party. They meet at dinners. They meet socially. They decide on what has to be done about issues. It is all very cooperative behaviour. They (the BJP) are shouting (for a Joint Parliamentary Committee). They know that it will kill the investigation. A JPC will raise side issues and that is what both sides want. Because the corporates behind both sides are the same. They don't want the 2G spectrum investigation to proceed. If you see the bigger picture of 2G spectrum, it is a battle between the old operators and the new operators in telecom... That's why political parties are not taking up the issue of the Radia tapes.
The CPI-M (Communist Party of India-Marxist) shouted about the tapes, but the next day the story came that West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya was dealing with Radia for the West Bengal Industrial Development Corporation. Now can the CPI-M shout 'crony capitalism' in the same way? The problem is the homogenisation of
Why Modi is not appointing Lokayukta in Gujarat ?
A Lokayukta is a body appointed to battle corruption in any state. It is surprising that a Lokayukta had not been appointed in the state ofGujarat for the past 7 years. For the past 7 years there is no ombudsman for the government of Gujarat . There is no one to expose corruption in Gujarat and there is no one to act on complaints. For the past 7 years, Narendra Modi can appoint tourism ambassador but not a Lokayukta. The Congress, even the governor has raised the issue in assembly and outside many times but no action on part of Modi. It could be concluded that Modi deliberately doesn’t want to appoint a Lokayukta because he wants to shield corrupt people in his government or perhaps because he himself is a corrupt man. If Narendar Modi will appoint Lokayukta in Gujarat State , all his political leaders of BJP will be booked under corruption which Modi doesn't want that his Ministers, Corporators go behind the bars? The Lokayukta's post is lying vacant since November 2003, which was when the last incumbent, retired High Court judge S M Soni stepped down. Soni was appointed Lokayukta during the Keshubhai Patel regime in 1998. In the absence of a Lokayukta; no one can lodge complaints of corruption against ministers, chairpersons and directors of the various government-owned boards/ corporations and elected representatives in local self-government bodies. After almost seven years, the Gujarat government has initiated the process of appointing a Lokayukta or ombudsman in the state. This information was provided by the state government to the Gujarat High Court following a public suit seeking the appointment to the post. Amit Jethwa had also spearheaded the campaign against corruption. It was on his petition that the HC directed the state government to complete the appointments within a stipulated time. He had also filed a PIL petition questioning the state government’s inaction over the appointment of Lokayukta. Because Amit Jethwa was fighting against the corruption in Gujarat he was murdered and eliminated.
A Lokayukta is a body appointed to battle corruption in any state. It is surprising that a Lokayukta had not been appointed in the state of
Why Maharashtra may end up as BIMARU state?
In one of my articles, last year, I had written about the pathetic condition ofMaharashtra and the role of dirty, divisive politics which is going to ruin the state including Mumbai. It has been for a long time the tussle between the Shiv Sena and MNS for the cause of ‘Marathi manoos’ and “Aamchi Mumbai” has taken a heavy toll on the financial capital, Mumbai just to serve their political ambitions. Here are some facts: Most of the taxi and auto drivers of Mumbai hail from Bihar or UP. All the Jewellery and diamond business are mostly Gujaratis and Marwaris. Stock Exchange and commodity market are again dominated by Gujaratis or Marwaris. Large industries are owned by Gujaratis, Marwari’s or Sindhis. Automobile spare parts business is dominated by Punjabi’s, transport business by mix of Punjabis and Sindhis. Many of the top educational institutions are run by Christians. Then what are the Maharashtrian doing? What has Balasaheb and Raj done for Maharashtrians? These are the questions I have been asking?
All through these years all these castes have been struggling and now Balasaheb and Raj want Mumbai on a platter and harps “Mumbai Aamchi”. All states that are fighting divisive politics have been ruined. So is the case ofMaharashtra . The people do not have proper jobs, industrialists are afraid to set up factories because of ‘Goonda Raj’.In 1995-96 Maharashtra had the highest growth rate in the Country. Even in the late 1990’s the state continued to be in the top five. However, after Shiv Sena-BJP managed to taste power and Shiv Sena ruling the Municipal Corporation for the past 15 years, there is hardly any major development and the growth rate has slipped. The Municipal-run schools and hospitals are in pathetic condition. Roads are filled with potholes, taps are running dry, slums are mushrooming and illegal construction and encroachments are at its highest. Bribery and corruption is at its nadir. Government offices, Municipality and police are the most corrupt where no action will be initiated unless the officers palms are greased. Now, it’s time to stop digging at North Indians and think and work on development. Or it wouldn’t be surprised to see Mumbai slip amongst the bottom of BIMARU states.
In one of my articles, last year, I had written about the pathetic condition of
All through these years all these castes have been struggling and now Balasaheb and Raj want Mumbai on a platter and harps “Mumbai Aamchi”. All states that are fighting divisive politics have been ruined. So is the case of
How can we entrust faith on our corrupt politicians?
Dear Frederick, well said about the total disastrous situation the country is now facing in the hands of the dirty politicians and the vested interests. Intrusion of corruption takes the energy, time and people’s money all washed away. Under the current pandemonium, how can the poor voters have faith in the rulers or the political party men? We have abolished "Privy purse", but still allowing private Purse". Corruption seems to be in almost all the departments of State and Central Governments. Authorities are becoming brokers of the party wink. A kind of rowdy’s, hooliganism, uproar in the parliamentary functions, wastage of question hours and the poor attendance of the elected Representatives while on session. They all are paid salary, Bata allowances, special benefits like train air fares, MP development project money like all the things are not clear and the where gone where got concept is not known also. JPC, PAC, CAG, CBI, and Judiciary - all these protocols are absconding and will be available only for those and when they need. Law makers are becoming Law breakers. Total session in this winter has gone unfunctional.
The situation seems to be worse and needs to amend total political and administrative as also the civic laws and social reforms, economic viability, industrial growth and agricultural developments, water and irrigation, natural calamity, external threats and terrorism, river water, dam project revamping, defence infrastructure, National Security, Reconstruction of Electoral Law... and so many.... have to be modified and strengthen to repledge our patriotism before the global arena.. Only time has to answer... Poor voters... silent observers. ThanksFrederick , for such sharing of the things concerning national importance.
The situation seems to be worse and needs to amend total political and administrative as also the civic laws and social reforms, economic viability, industrial growth and agricultural developments, water and irrigation, natural calamity, external threats and terrorism, river water, dam project revamping, defence infrastructure, National Security, Reconstruction of Electoral Law... and so many.... have to be modified and strengthen to repledge our patriotism before the global arena.. Only time has to answer... Poor voters... silent observers. Thanks
Friday, December 3, 2010
Kalina Villagers protest to construction of toilet adjacent to Grotto
It was as late as 1959 when a sacred grotto housing Mother Mary's statue at Kalina Village was set up, where hundreds of devotees offer their prayers everyday. The grotto set up is adjoining the BMC toilets. While speaking to local residents, they told Santacruz Patrika, “More than 50 years ago the spot was used for dumping garbage. This used to create a lot of inconvenience to the residents of the village as the stinking garbage used to flow onto the entry passage to the village.” “Initially, we installed a small statue and villagers used to offer prayers. Later, as the garbage was an hinderance we renovated the grotto to beautify the area. Later, with the BMC four toilets creating an unpleasant environment we spent about Rs 32,000 and fully renovated the grotto.”
Now, it is understood that the BMC's plans to construct a public toilet through a builder, near the grotto. This has hurt the religious sentiments of the Christian community and they have raised a protest against public toilets near the grotto. "We have our annual feast of Mother Mary in September where thousands of Christians come to offer their prayers at the grotto. There Is a St. Thomas Church nearby where masses are conducted and a prayer meeting is held every evening.
The question that arises is – What is the need of a public toilet adjacent to the grotto? A angered villager to Santacruz Patrika, “When our entire village residents have their toilets indoors, we fail to understand the need of a public toilet? While investigating we learnt that one Akbar Quereshi had demolished a public toilet and constructed a two-storied building on the site near Wellcare Hospital . In order to get the occupation certificate (OC) for that structure, he had to fulfill the BMC's condition by constructing a public toilet. So, the builder is constructing it near the grotto. Since his project has been stalled Quereshi has been desperately looking for a site to construct a public toilet. It was learnt that six months ago he had planned to construct a toilet near the demolished police chowkie at Jamblipada. But was stalled by the earlier corporator Rafiq Sheikh.
While speaking to Rafiq’s assistant, as Rafiq Sheikh is away on a pilgrimage to Haj, told Santacruz Patrika, “When Quereshi began constructing a toilet at Jamblipada, many villagers and shop owners came to our office to raise their protest. After visiting the site Rafiq Sheikh objected against the construction and got the work stalled.” Thereafter, while speaking to the local corporator Alice Therattil, she told this publication, “ I have also strongly protested against the construction of the public toilet by the builder. Initially, when he tried to construct a toilet near St. Mary Chowk I stopped the work. Later, when I came to know that he is constructing a toilet at Jamblipada, I strongly protested and sent out correspondence to all the concerned departments. Thereafter, inorder to prevent any illegal encroachment at that spot we fought for a bus stop and ensured that a bus stop came up at the spot for the benefit of my ward.” We have complained to ward officer," said local corporator Alice Therratil. However, when assistant commissioner, H(East) ward A Wagaralkar was questioned, he said, "I'm aware of this complaint. I'll inquire into the matter."Also, Alice Therattil clarified that when she visited the grotto along with Wagaralkar, there was no work being carried out of construction of a toilet. “However, the villagers assumed that a toilet is likely to be constructed adjacent to the grotto, which is totally false and baseless.”
Further, while speaking to Crompton Texeira, Sarpanch of the village he told Santacruz Patrika, “We have learnt that the public toilet is being constructed adjacent to the grotto by a builder, at the request of the BMC's building proposal department, to legalize his own unauthorized structure. Confirming further he added, “ I have spoken to BMC in this regard and an officer who preffered to remain anonymous clearly stated that in consultation with the local corporator a public toilet is proposed to be set up adjacent to the grotto with doors facing outside and the toilets inside the BMC compound. This intimation I received a week ago that work is to commence.” Further, a resident too confirmed that labourers had come to carry out the work but we chased them away. However, Alice Therattil claims that she is unaware of any proposal for setting up a toilet near the grotto and all the allegations are baseless and maligned.
Lastly, while speaking to Santacruz Patrika, Ronnie Miranda who resides behind the grotto and BMC compound said, “The corporator should be more considerate towards the welfare of our villagers. The sewerage of the four toilets for BMC labourersin the compound every morning keeps overflowing and the stinking water flows into the village. And the only toilet for staff has its outlet to the mains. Because of the stink my wife had to be hospitalized of dengue.”
Now, there are many questions that remain unanswered: How was the public toilet opposite Wellcare hospital demolished and a building constructed? Has the building being constructed in all legalities? Before giving permission why was the spot for a toilet not determined? Santacruz Patrika in the near future will bring out a detailed and investigative story.
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